Contacting Your Legislator with a Telephone Call


The second best way to contact your legislator is by telephone.  To find your state legislator's phone number via the Internet, go to the Georgia General Assembly web site at where you will find phone numbers as well as mailing and e-mail addresses.  Or you may call the State's main switchboard at 404-656-2000 and ask for your Senator and/or Representative's office.


Telephone calls are often taken by a staff member instead of the legislator. Ask to speak with the aide who handles the issue on which you wish to comment. If the aide is unavailable, you may leave a message.  Make certain that the person taking your call knows what legislation you are calling about and what your position is (see steps 1 and 2 below).  Many legislators keep logs to track public comment coming in to the office by phone.  If you speak with someone other than your legislator, take down the staff person's name and title, and request a written response to your phone call.  Be sure to thank the person taking your call for his/her time and consideration.


If you are able to speak directly with your state legislator on the phone, it's easiest to follow these four basic steps:

  1. IDENTIFY yourself by name and the organization (if any) that you represent or the town from which you are calling.  Thank him/her for taking your call.

  2. EXPLAIN why you are calling: "I am calling to support/oppose House Bill: HB_____, Senate Bill: SB_____." Be polite and concise. A legislator's time is very valuable so do not drag out a call. Create a couple of talking points to help you focus the content of your message. Too much information may confuse your message. Be calm, respectful, and be prepared to educate, using local examples to accentuate your point.

  3. REQUEST to know your legislator's position on this issue. Don't assume that your legislator has prior knowledge of your issue. 

  4. THANK your legislator again for taking their time to speak with you.

(Return to Contacting Your Legislators)